About aSb

The grey area. The happy medium between anti|SOCIAL.

Hi, im Katy D, Im antiSOCIAL as fuck.
If you wish to read along and live this crazy journey with this crazy mess then please join my antiSOCIAL community with myself and all these other weird antisocial beings . Get to know me if you want, I don’t know why you would , but if you do…that’s really cool , I guess, ill do my best to make it worth your while by being honest always, and speaking from my real life experiences . Read as I word vomit on this screen, in an attempt to make sense of this life around me.
And if you need some advice along the way feel free to ask. Im not quallified to tell anyone how they should live their life, but if you want some old fashoned big sisterly advice , i got you.

In the end none of us know what the fuck we are doing… But maybe together we can help each other figure it out 🙂

This blog is ran by me. Katy D. Im nobody special … just a real girl, living in the real world…. And ive got real shit to say about it.

honestly I am a mess… and Im coming at you uncensored, unapologetic, and probably understress.

I am an outgoing introvert, a walking contradiction. A minimalist. A foodie. A DIY and Beauty Junkie. A recovering IV drug addict. A dog&cat mom. A wife. A daughter. A big sister. A best friend. Im Random AF but I love with my whole heart. And if nobody’s told you today, you matter and you are loved ♡
She’s Katy D… And THIS is her world.